“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.John Quincy Adams

We’ve all had them.

And either moved up from – or ON from them.

Great leaders – and bad bosses.

Our Internet is populated by inspiration.

A few bright minds and their wisdom follow:

“Abusive behavior at work doesn’t ‘get results’: Bullying bosses tend to justify their actions by claiming that being “tough” is key to success.  There’s just one problem; research doesn’t back this up.” –Dick Taylor

Read more from brilliant colleague Dick Taylor – here.

Brigette Hyacinth – Author of The Future of Leadership declares “micromanagement is a waste of time.

While adding her 5 cents on leadership:

  1. Integrity – Authenticity – leadership is not authentic, then what is it?
  2. Humility – true leaders always aim to serve rather than be served
  3. Empathy – a critical role- great leaders hold high emotional intelligence
  4. Communication Skills –  communicate their vision
  5. Inspirational- Good work team”I trust your judgement

On leadership micromanagement – Simon Sinek adds:

“A boss who micromanages is like a coach who wants to get in the game.”

Audience Development Group colleague Tim Moore outlines how to inspire the crew in his latest Midweek Motivator:

  1. By giving the staff permission to take ownership of their format.
  2. By giving them permission to make a mistake.
  3. By giving them permission (and the coaching) to elevate their performance

A well-targeted meme that sums up:

Great leaders are outstanding coaches. 

Not just on the craft – but on life.

Take out a legal sheet of paper – creating two vertical columns with your current supervisor in mind.

One column – positive attributes.   One column – negative attributes.

The left column notes excellence in what you’ve learn – or were taught.

The right column – well, you know.

Surround yourself with people who push you to be better.

You will learn how to motivate – working with a GREAT leader

And paradoxically – from a bad boss.

Next Week: ‘Professional’

Kevin Robinson is a record-setting and award-winning programmer.  His brands consistently perform in the Top 3 of the target – often times as the list leader.  In his 35 years of radio, he’s successfully programmed or consulted nearly every English language radio brand.  Known largely as a trusted talent coach, he’s the only personality mentor who’s coached three different morning shows on three different stations in the same major market to the #1 position.  His efforts have been recognized by The World Wide Radio Summit Radio & Records, NAB’s Marconi, Radio Ink and has coached CMA, ACM and Marconi winning talent.  He is also a featured speaker to national groups and state associations. Kevin lives in Indiana with his wife of 33 years, Monica.  Reach Kevin at (317) 769-0583 or kevin@robinsonmedia.fm.